hidup hanya sekali,so kite ENJOY mcm si comel bawah ni menari~

Sunday, March 28, 2010

two is better than one..

[ft. Taylor Swift]
I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

this song is dedicated to someone that i love so much.maybe two is better than one .
seriously,lagu ni sedih pulak.huhu =(

friends =D

hai sumerr...!!
kat sini jus nk ckp thanks coz being my friend..
ak bngge ade kwn mcm korg..
tak kesah lah..rapat ke tak kan...
yg penting friendship kite berkekalan..
dlm kesempatan ni..
ak nk ucapkan terima kasih kat fadhli amin n husnir rahman coz hepy kan ak mlm td..
hehe..thanks sgt.lagipon ak mmg bnci sedih2 ni.but nk wat cne..bnde dah jd..
nseb bek ade korg...
terima kasih bnyak2 ah..!!
pastu...buat sumer kwn2 ak yg lain tu..especially bila,sue,wani,zura,are2,fatin,tqa,yana,shue,jabar,shera,ain n so on..sori lah kalau ak tak type tu..jgn ar terse..yg penting sume yg salu rapat ngn ak..
jus wanna say..kite kwn sampai bile2 taw!ak mmg syg korg..frens forever yeahh!!
im truly lucky plus plus happy  to have you guys in my life !!
masing2 taw colurs masing2 kan..so korg mmg understanding giler lah..lagi2 kat ak kan..
kepade yg yana giler ak nk tgk kau dangdut!hehe..
k lahhh..love +miss+adore+ n plus plus agi lah kat krg sume..jgn lupekan ak eh..

im hepy,

thanks atan!!!hahaha!!!

salam peeps!
hahhahah.thanks to atan merangkap abg ak.hahaa.
hari ni dy belanje ak !bukan senang die nk belanje..
dy belanje ak pon sbb spm ak totally ok lah.
ak tak kesa dy belanje ape..
pagi kul 9 lebih ak dah siap dah..hahahah.dy janji nk pergi kul 10.30 ..
nmpk tu semangat sbb ade org nk blanje.
heheheh..suke ar sebb ade org blanje..hohohhooho :))
dy beli kan ak bag n baju..haha..
tp mase beli baju tu..bju ak yg ak adore tu tadekk:(
little bit sedey..tp abg ak amek je ar yg ade..ak pon amik je ar sesedap rse ak..
so ni lah dy..even dy tadelah mahal sgt pon..ak amt2 hargai..ade nilai2 kasih syg adek beradik tu.hahaah
thank you so muchi muchi!NGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :)
 ak taktaw kenape tangan ak pergi gatal amik baju ni.haha:)